CSS Tooling



The Shoreline team uses Sass (opens in a new tab) under the hood to apply style to its components. This doesn't means that you have to use Sass to customize your application. You can use any CSS preprocessor or even plain CSS. To do that you only need to use the Shoreline CSS theme available with every token.


Stylelint is a tool to help you avoid errors and enforce conventions in your styles. It can be configured to work with any style syntax, and has a wide range of rules to help you write your styles in a consistent way.

We provide a default configuration for Stylelint that you can use in your project. The configuration works with plain CSS and Sass. If you are using another CSS preprocessor, you can extend the configuration to add the rules that you need.

First you need to install the package in your project:

npm install @vtex/shoreline-stylelint --save-dev

To use the configuration, you need to create a .stylelintrc.js file in the root of your project with the following content:

module.exports = {
  extends: ['@vtex/shoreline-stylelint'],
  /** ... */

VSCode plugins

CSS Var Autocomplete

This plugin provides autocomplete for CSS variables in your stylesheets. It's very useful when you are using the Shoreline theme and want to use the tokens in your styles.

To use it, you need to install the plugin (opens in a new tab) in your VSCode and add the following configuration file in the root of your project.

  "cssvar.files": [
    // default path to the styles file, it may be located under the node_modules folder.
    // if you have an alternative path to where your styles are located
    // you can add it in this array of files
  // Do not ignore node_modules css files, which is ignored by default
  "cssvar.ignore": [],
  // add support for autocomplete in JS or JS like files
  "cssvar.extensions": ["css", "scss", "jsx", "tsx", "js", "ts"]