Code Styleguide

Code styleguide

In this section you will find common rules and best practices to follow when writing code for Shoreline.


File structure


// ✅ Good
// packages/shoreline/src/components/{component} folder

|__ stories
|   |_ [examples].stories.tsx
|   |_ play.stories.tsx
|   |_ show.stories.tsx
|   |__ tests
|   |  |_ tests.stories.tsx
|_ index.ts
|_ component.tsx
|_ component-composite.tsx


// ✅ Good
// packages/shoreline/src/themes/{theme}/{component} folder

|_ index.scss
|_ component.scss
|_ component-composite.scss

Prevent the use of React.FC

The use of React.FunctionComponent (or the React.FC shorthand) is discouraged to type the component props. If you need to type children explicitly, use React.ReactNode. Here you can see some good reasons why (opens in a new tab).

Do not use param destructuring

Prefer destructuring on the component's body.

interface Props {
  title: string
  // ...
// ✅ Good
function Component(props: Props) {
  const { title, ...restProps } = props
  // ...
// 🚨 Bad
function Component({ title }: Props) {
  // ...

Do not use inline typing

Always prefer creating an interface or type for the component props.

// ✅ Good
interface Props {
  title: string
function Component(props: Props) {
  // ...
// 🚨 Bad
function Component({ title }: { title: string }) {
  // ...

Do not use inline extension

Avoid extending other types within the function param directly. Prefer extending or compose a new type for a cleaner code.

// ✅ Good
interface Props extends SomeTypeA {
  title: string
function Component(props: Props) {
  // ...
// ✅ Good
type Props = SomeTypeA & SomeTypeB
function Component(props: Props) {
  // ...
// 🚨 Bad
function Component(props: Props & SomeTypeA) {
  // ...

Prefer named exports

Named exports are preferred over default exports.

// ✅ Good
export function Component() {
  // ...
// 🚨 Bad
export default function Component() {
  // ...


Prefer tokens

Always prefer to use tokens instead of hardcoded values.

// ✅ Good
.component {
  padding: var(--sl-space-4);
// 🚨 Bad
.component {
  padding: 16px;

Use semantic data-attributes prefix

Always use the data-sl- prefix for attributes that refer to the component.

// ✅ Good
[data-sl-component] {
  // ...
// 🚨 Bad
[data-component] {
  // ...

Avoid parent styles

While coding an app it doesn't matter, but if you are within a library this is a bad practice! The user will not be able to customize the child's style without the !important flag. So, you must avoid it.

// ✅ Good
[data-sl-component-heading] {
  // ...
// 🚨 Bad
[data-sl-component] {
  & > h1 {
    // ...


Always use JSDoc to document your component

We use the JSDoc (opens in a new tab) to document our components and they are used to generate the component documentation in the site.

// ✅ Good
 * Component description
 * @example
 * <Component title="Hello" />
function Component(props: Props) {
  // ...
interface Props {
   * The title of the component
  title: string
// 🚨 Bad
function Component(props: Props) {
  // ...
interface Props {
  title: string