Best Practices

Best Practices



smallSmall messages or forms with only a few fields, such as the form for a Rename action. To confirm actions, use a ConfirmationModal.
mediumLong texts, such as terms and conditions. This width provides the ideal character count for comfortable reading.
largeOther scenarios that are still very related to the main job of the current Page. Avoid using columns and focus the content in a specific action.


  • When the Modal contains a form, the Title should include a verb in the infinitive and an object. For example, Create release. When possible, reuse the label of the action that triggered the Modal.
  • When the Modal only displays information, the Title should be a label that describes the content. For example, Terms and conditions.
  • Use sentence case, but capitalize proper nouns.
  • Don't use punctuation, more than three words, or personal pronouns.


Include in a Modal content that is related to a minor job within the main job of a Page. For example, minor jobs can be filling a small form before performing an action (e.g. to create a new release) or viewing additional information (e.g. technical events of an order).


  • Modal in relation to the Page: By default, the Modal appears on top of the page, centered, and with a backdrop behind it. Don't customize this behavior.
  • Content in a Modal: Any content inside the Modal should respect its margins.
  • Actions in a Modal: Position the main actions of a Modal in its Footer. For example, the action that submits the form.



  • A Modal should always be triggered by a user action, such as pressing a Button or MenuItem.
  • Don't open a Modal automatically after a page loads.


  • Always include a Close button in the header. When there's an action to submit the form in the footer, also include a Cancel action to its left that has the same effect as the Close button.
  • When the Modal contains a list for the user to select a single option, pressing the option should submit the selection and close the Modal. Don't require a separate submit action.


When the Modal reaches its maximum height it starts to have vertical scroll. Prefer to make the content brief and avoid scroll.